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100 results found
Walk around the UNWE 7/11/2024 ... Ratings International Partners Memberships News Walk around the UNWE Contacts                           ...
International Partners 6/6/2024 ... ...
Others 6/6/2024 ... REPUBLIC Partners Group BG      SOUTH KOREA Foundation Korean Cultural Center        SPAIN European Union Intellectual Property Office /EUIPO/ - Alicante TAIWAN National Science and Technology ...
Conference objectives 5/21/2024 ... involve interested university partners from SDSN Bulgaria. Participants will have the opportunity to meet either in person or online, and to present their work-in-progress or completed research at an international forum with a strong presence of peers. There ...
Personal Data Protection 6/13/2023 ... policy for job applicants and partners of the UNWE Privacy notice for visitors to the dormitories of the UNWE Privacy notice for the Student’s Council of the UNWE Privacy policy for university professors participating in ENGAGE.EU     ...
Procedure on Conducting, Recognition and Credit Transfer for the Discipline of Professional Field /Block А/ Study Specialization Abroad 2/29/2024 ... abroad that are UNWE’s partners; other international projects and mobility programmes.     The Study Specialisation Abroad has a duration of minimum 3 months.     Prior to starting the Study Specialization Abroad, the Doctoral ...
Application 3/6/2023 ... affiliated with the ENGAGE.EU partners (faculty members or students). Participants need to cover their own travel and accommodation costs. Coffee/tea, buffet lunch and dinner will be provided by UNWE ...
Sponsors and Media partners 1/27/2023 ... event is organized with the support of the "Scientific Research" Fund;Number of the co-financing agreement: КП-06-МНФ/25 from 27.09.2022 г ...
Partners 9/16/2021 ... ...
Partners and Cooperation 6/16/2021 ... with various organizations and partners, with whom together continue to develop fruitful relationships and communication. Through its work, IPS’s has made more than 40 international partners, representing countries on 3 continents. Last but not least are our ...
Welcome to IPS 5/16/2023 ... with more than 40 international partners, numerous state institutions of the Republic of Bulgaria, over 30 Bulgarian municipalities, various businesses representing different sectors, NGOs, and mass media organizations. Further information can be found in the ...
Incoming Students 11/23/2022 ... International University Partners. ERASMUS/international students may choose between one- or two-semester mobility period depending on the active agreement between their home university and UNWE. In order to be enrolled at UNWE students must send: 1 ...
Partners 10/12/2020 ... ...
Partners 6/15/2020 ... intellectual property organization > Еuropean patent office > Patent office of the Republic of Bulgaria > Bulgarian small and medium enterprises promotion agency > Bulgarian chamber of commerce and ...
About us 4/7/2023 ... Partners ...
International Partners 6/6/2024 ...      ...
Partners 11/10/2019 ... . degrees. International Affairs Having over 120 partners among leading higher education institutions in more than 50 countries, Financial University effectively fosters its academic mobility. Students can select different options for studying abroad and participate in international scholarship ...
Partnerships 12/4/2020 ... Consulting> Law firm Manev & Partners> Benatov & Partners > Fondation “Sozopol”> Film and music corporation > Digital Republic Association > Violeta Shentova – industrial property ...
European patent office 1/2/2020 ... SMEs”, finds that SMEs depend heavily on partnerships with domestic or foreign partners. The report shows that half of all commercialised inventions protected either by a European patent application or a granted European patent are exploited in collaboration with an external partner via a ...
World intellectual property organization 11/8/2019 ... worked so tirelessly with so many talented partners to realize a better legal framework for accessible formats, publishers now salute the many readers throughout the world who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise living with print disabilities. Congratulations and happy ...
Partners 1/25/2019 ... ...
Training resources 1/26/2019 ... training content developed under the “Partnership policy as a trigger for lifelong learning, innovation and change” project is organised in the following modules: Module 1: Defining the scope, identifying partners, building and planning a partnership; Module 2: Managing, ...
Exchange of experience 1/27/2019 ... the Project No BG05M9OP001-4.001-0065 entitled "Partnership policy as a trigger for lifelong learning, innovation and change" and was attended by more than 30 representatives of: the partner organization under the project, central/local authority, state agencies - National Agency for Vocational ...
About the project 1/26/2019 ... overall objective of the "Partnership policy as a trigger for lifelong learning, innovation and change" project is related to the establishment of sustainable transnational cooperation between partner organizations from Bulgaria and the Province of Flanders, Belgium by identifying and transferring ...
Students Application procedure & Mobility Information 4/5/2021 ... be students of UNWE’s International University Partners.   In order to be enrolled at UNWE students must send the following papers: 1. Application Form 2. Learning Agreement 3. Copy of passport 4. Three (3) passport-size photos   All documents can be sent either online (via email) or ...
Others 7/29/2022 ... Center - Tsaribrod    SLOVAK REPUBLIC Partners Group BG      SOUTH KOREA Foundation Korean Cultural Center        SPAIN European Union Intellectual Property Office /EUIPO/ - Alicante TAIWAN National Science and Technology Center for Disaster ...
Partners 7/14/2017 ... ...
Frequently Asked Questions 1/31/2019 ... could be submitted in person by your friends or partners in Bulgaria.Our advice is the application documents to be submitted well in advance before the deadline in order to have enough time for corrections if needed. Please, have in mind that diploma's recognition is often a subject of different ...
Local Partners 1/22/2024 ... of BulgariaPaysafe BulgariaPenkov, Markov & Partners International Law Firm55.Petko Karavelov Secondary School - SofiaPMI Bulgaria Chapter AssociationPravoDarya AssociationPricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Ltd. / PwCProCredit Bank Bulgaria EADProf. Tsvetan Lazarov Defence InstituteProsecutor's Office ...
Project “iPro / iProfessional” –<br> RE: 540097-LLP-1-2013-1-BG-ERASMUS-EQR 11/11/2013 ... a Pilot of the model for collaboration between HEIs and partners in 8 European countries. The GOAL of the project is to build, test and then distribute a research based MODEL FRAMEWORK that will assist the Higher Education Institutions to match the curriculum of their students in (digital) Media and Arts ...
№ ДО02-302 12/12/2012 ... about the partners of the project None Project manager Assoc. Prof. Trifonova, Silvia, PhD – UNWE Project body (project team members) Prof. PhD Nenovsky, Nikolay Nenov – UNWE Prof. PhD Trifonov, Trifon Blagoev ...
№ ДО 02-289 12/12/2012 ... .A. Information about the partners of the project N.A. Project manager Prof. DSc. Rumen Gechev Project body (project team members) Dr. Rumen Gechev, Dr. R. Brussarski, dr. L. Yotova, Dr. Ek. Sotirova, dr. V. Ivanova, Dr. B. ...
№ МУ-ФС-10 12/12/2012 ... about the partners of the project - Project manager Prof. Borislav Borisov, Ph.D. Project body (project team members) Violeta Georgieva Krastanova Senior Assistant Vladja Borislavova Borisova PhD Dessislava ...
ИНИ-15/01.08.2005 12/12/2012 ... effective and efficient schemes for reasonable partnership between Bulgarian and EU institutions involved in IP activities. The project will contribute to modern developing of IPR at the national level appropriately embedded in the EU IPR system. The project will create friendly milieu intensifying ...
№ ДДВУ 02/70 12/12/2012 ... of Political Science Information about the partners of the project Agency “OT DO Consult” OOD was established in 2005 as PR agency, advertising, organization of special events, promotional activities, seminars and workshops, media planning and buying. It has large and successful experience ...
№ ДДВУ 02/47 12/12/2012 ... about the partners of the project No partner organizations Project manager Chief Assistant Professor Dr. Svetla Boneva Project body (project team members) Chief Assistant Professor Dr. Svetla ...
№ ДДОКФ02/2 12/12/2012 ... ltd. Information about the partners of the project UNWE  and  FIMENKO  ltd. Project manager Prof Dr.Sc.Bistra  Boeva and Boris Bojadziev Project body (project team members) Prof Dr ...
№ ДМУ 02-24 12/12/2012 ... about the partners of the project   Project manager Associated Prof. Dr. Nikolay Sterev Project body (project team members) Mayor Assistant Dr. Dimitar Blagoev Mayor Assistant Dr. Hristina ...
№ ДИД 02/4 12/12/2012 ... about the partners of the project Bulgarian National Consumers Association Project manager Assoc. Prof. Daniela Ivanova, PhD, UNWE Project body (project team members) Assoc. Prof. Elka Vasileva, PhD, ...
№ ДКТ 02/55 12/12/2012 ... about the partners of the project National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Project manager Professor Doctor of Economic Sciences Plamen Mishev Project body ...
BG051РО001/3.3.07-0002 12/6/2012 ... and encourages the establishment of strong partnerships between educational institutions and business. By participating in the project, students will receive additional incentives to participate in practical training in a real working environment and increase their chances for ...
BG051PO001-3.3.06-0032 12/6/2012 ... World Economy Information about the partners of the project - Project manager Prof. D. Sc. Stanka Tonkova Project body (project team members) BG051PO001-3.3 ...
FOLPSEC 12/6/2012 ... the conditions of economic crisis; To share partners’ results on LPS functioning concerning economic and social regional acceleration and relative overcoming of regional disparities; To make use of knowledge gained and good practices identified for research and teaching purposes at all ...
FADNTOOL 12/6/2012 ... recourses Information about the partners of the project Aristotelio panepistimio thessalonikis Universite de perpignan Wageningen universiteit University of macedonia economics and social sciences University of cyprus Rheinische friedrich-wilhelms-universitaet ...
FarmPath 12/6/2012 ... AB15 8QH, UK Information about the partners of the project Macaulay Land Use Research Institute (MLURI), UK; Universitat fur Bodenkultur Wien – University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria; Laboratory of Agricultural Extension, Rural Systems, ...
EU-WISE 6/11/2012 ... EC with a total budget of 2,9 million euro. Partners form 6 countries and 7 organizations will investigate opportunities, resources and changes in health care systems in national context.  The overall aim of this project is to offer a deeper understanding of the different mechanisms ...
MyUniversity 6/11/2012 ... of Higher education,  empowering his partnership in the context of Bologna process. The project creates an opportunity for  electronic and interactive participation in the decision making process of all stakeholders in the field of Higher education in regional and European ...
PROMISE 6/11/2012 ... about the partners of the project 1) University of Thessaly, Volos-Greece – Lead Partner 2) Municipality of Athens Development Agency-Greece 3) Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest – Romania 4) Bucharest Municipality - Romania 5) ...
Transfer of Innovations 5/9/2012 ... The structure of the project and partnership is designed to be able to disseminate the project results in wide and large network. Have created national and transnational communication plans based on risk analysis. Website will inform the participants of the national ...
Mobility 5/9/2012 ... advanced models were shared with European partners and developed methodological materials presented at a seminar for teachers and heads of departments for human resources management in Bulgarian organizations.    Results: increased skills and improved knowledge in the field of ...
Partners 5/30/2012 ... PARTNERS                                      INSTITUTIONS, PARTNERS AND CUSTOMERS OF IPQ      FOREIGN PARTNERS University ...
Partners 2/1/2012 ... ...
Partners 2/1/2012 ... ...
Partners 2/1/2012 ... ...
Partners 2/1/2012 ... ...
Partners 2/1/2012 ... ...
Partners 2/1/2012 ... ...
Partners 2/1/2012 ... ...
Partners 2/1/2012 ... ...
Our Partners 2/1/2012 ... is not available ...
Our Partners 2/1/2012 ... is not available ...
Our Partners 2/1/2012 ... is not available ...
Our Partners 2/1/2012 ... is not available ...
History 2/3/2012 ... be competitive and preferred partners in national and international business areas. The opportunities to achieve this ambitious goal are demonstrated in the professional realization of graduates in both fields, holding key positions in the central and local ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 6/23/2017 ... of General Prosecutor of Bulgaria Global Psychiatry Initiative Centre for Cross-cultural Dialogue Europe - Asia  ASSA_M Bulgarian Sociological ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Partners 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Projects 4/10/2017 ... of Virtual Work (with 54 partners from 26 countries) 2012 - 2013 BG051PO001-7.0.01 „Without Borders – Component 1” - Formation of the Competitive Behaviour of SMEs in International Business Environment through Development of Human Potential ...
Research 2/14/2012 ... labour market” Evora, Portugal In partnership with the University of Evora № LLP-Ldv-Vetpro-07-BG-166103  “Dynamic adaptation of the vocational training according to the requirements of the labour market” Evora, Portugal Assoc. Prof. Dr. М. Markov Assoc. ...
Bachelor Degree 2/26/2013 ... , consultants and other institutions.), Including partners from other countries. Areas of career Areas of realization of the graduates are: Starting up your own business (the the enterprising due to the practical nature of the curriculum can make it even while studying), making students with ...
Partners 12/8/2011 ... organization of the international collaboration is developed through contacts with related departments and faculties and by conclusion of contracts with them. All the departments of the University actively cooperate with related departments of prestigious foreign universities and are also members of ...


10 results found
Essay Contest on the Future of Bulgaria Through the Eyes of the Young Generation 5/9/2024 ... distinguished judges from among the event partners and organizers will evaluate the essays based on their natural language, clarity, and relevance to the theme. Prizes: Prizes will be awarded to the three best essays on June 4 within the framework of the conference "The Future of ...
Conference on the Future of Bulgaria Through the Eyes of the Young Generation. 5/9/2024 ... Members and Partners, We warmly invite you to take part in the Conference on the Future of Bulgaria Through the Eyes of the Young Generation. Organizer: Dutch Bulgarian Business Association Strategic Partners: Sofia Tech Park, BESCO, Fund of Funds Bulgaria, the ...
STUDIES-DIG Consortium Forum 2/7/2024 ... the 1 January 2024 and the project partners were brought together in partnership in a staff exchange program, for a period of 48 months. The action will be implemented by an international and multi-sector consortium composed of academic and non-academic partners from Portugal, ...
Final Event of the project DIGI Women – tools for digital entrepreneurship and support for women entrepreneurs 10/1/2022 ... project Online presentation of foreign partners: Dr. Ria Aerts and Mr. Alberto Maistrello (Consulenza Direcionale di Paolo Zaramella, Italy), Dr. Zane Zeibote and Dr. Vera Komarova (Cluster Experts Baltic Sea Region, Latvia), Prof. Igor Kononenko and Assoc. Prof. Marina Grinchenko ...
International Conference on Circular Economy: Opportunities and Challenges 9/27/2022 ... Partners Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) Czech University of Life Sciences (Czech Republic) University of Dubrovnik (Croatia) Danubius University from Galati (Romania) Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce (Poland) University of Rzeszow ...
Conference on the Western Balkans SMEs Capacity for European and Global Markets with Common Efforts of Business and Administration 3/14/2022 ... of North Macedonia and the rest of the partners in the group of Western Balkans on their way to the European integration. Bulgaria and Japan in joint support for the partners of the Western Balkans “, funded under the Bulgarian Development Aid. The Conference will bring ...
Prishtina International Summer University: Call for Academic Staff 1/21/2022 ... in cooperation with various donors and partners. The aim of PISU is to create direct links to regional and international universities as well as the advancement of the methodology of teaching and the increase of scientific research capacities. The Prishtina International Summer ...
20th International Conference on Economy & Business 5/21/2021 ... the Science & Education Foundation and partners.   Registration Dealine for participants from the UNWE: 30 June 2021       ...
PILC 2016: Leadership through PARtnership 2/4/2016 ... to exploring the topic Leadership through PARtnership. As it was concluded at the PILC 2015, leaders do not gather followers to rule them, but partners with a common goal that share experiences and work together towards achieving excellence and prosperity. PILC 2016 will thus explore ...
5th PAR International Leadership Conference (PILC 2016) 12/1/2015 ... with the umbrella topic Leadership through PARtnership. PILC 2016 is organized by the Business School PAR (Croatia), Lehigh University (USA) and the Iacocca Institute (USA) and it will be held from 18th to 20th March 2016 in Opatija, Croatia (Europe). PILC is a unique scientific and ...

Photo Gallery

2 results found
Conference to the partners - Project ”Creative Strategic Foresight - Study Programme” - CSF 9/27/2012 ...  Sofia, Tracia Hotel - CSF Project- 25.09.2012 г ...
Meeting, Project "InnoSee" 5/4/2012 ... InnoSee - Meeting of the Partners,Sofia, 03-04.11 ...

Video Gallery

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