Finance and Accountancy Faculty

16th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists Focuses on the Challenge COVID-19

Friday, 12 February 2021 19:45

You are viewing photos from 16th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists Focuses on the Challenge COVID-19

View the full text of 16th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists Focuses on the Challenge COVID-19

The Dean of the Finance and Accountancy Faculty Prof. Dr. Rumen Brusarsky wished success to the 16<sup>th</sup> International Conference of Young Scientists and defined the creation of scientific product and its sharing with other people as very respectable.

The Dean of the Finance and Accountancy Faculty Prof. Dr. Rumen Brusarsky wished success to the 16th International Conference of Young Scientists and defined the creation of scientific product and its sharing with other people as very respectable.


Photo gallery from 16th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists Focuses on the Chal ...