Finance and Accountancy Faculty

XVIII International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists

Monday, 06 November 2023 19:45

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View the full text of XVIII International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists

This event has become a truly significant international university forum. And as the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov said this Conference is a trademark of the University and the Finance and Accounting Faculty. More than 50 participants from various universities in the country and abroad participate in the current edition. I am particularly proud that we have participants in both Master's and Bachelor's degrees and I welcome the representatives of VUZF, St. Climent Ohridsky University of Sofia, Neofit Rilsky Southwestern University, Blagoevgrad and various financial and economic institutions", said Prof. Dr. Sylvia Trifonova, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Conference and Vice Dean of the Finance and Accounting Faculty.

This event has become a truly significant international university forum. And as the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov said this Conference is a trademark of the University and the Finance and Accounting Faculty. More than 50 participants from various universities in the country and abroad participate in the current edition. I am particularly proud that we have participants in both Master's and Bachelor's degrees and I welcome the representatives of VUZF, St. Climent Ohridsky University of Sofia, Neofit Rilsky Southwestern University, Blagoevgrad and various financial and economic institutions", said Prof. Dr. Sylvia Trifonova, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Conference and Vice Dean of the Finance and Accounting Faculty.


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