Finance and Accountancy Faculty

XVIII International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists

Monday, 06 November 2023 19:45

You are viewing photos from XVIII International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists

View the full text of XVIII International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists

"It is a pleasure for us to be co-organzers of this forum for the eleventh year. We have a wonderful partnership with the College of the UNWE, which bears its fruits in the form of different scientific production, which is beneficial for our students, and I believe for everyone - for the business and state institutions. I greet all the participants in the Forum. I wish successful conference on behalf of the Rector of VUZF Prof. D.Sc./Law/ Boris Velchev and our academic community. I believe that this will be a very useful forum for all of us", said Prof. D.Sc./Econ./ Virginia Zhelyazkova from VUZF.

"It is a pleasure for us to be co-organzers of this forum for the eleventh year. We have a wonderful partnership with the College of the UNWE, which bears its fruits in the form of different scientific production, which is beneficial for our students, and I believe for everyone - for the business and state institutions. I greet all the participants in the Forum. I wish successful conference on behalf of the Rector of VUZF Prof. D.Sc./Law/ Boris Velchev and our academic community. I believe that this will be a very useful forum for all of us", said Prof. D.Sc./Econ./ Virginia Zhelyazkova from VUZF.


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