Finance and Accountancy Faculty

16th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists Focuses on the Challenge COVID-19

Friday, 12 February 2021 19:45

You are viewing photos from 16th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists Focuses on the Challenge COVID-19

View the full text of 16th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists Focuses on the Challenge COVID-19

The Rector of VUZF Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigorii Vazov – major and longstanding co-organizer of the Conference, shared that he had opened and prepared lots of forums but he had always felt most excited to participate in the opening of that Conference devoted to the young scientists. He reminded that its beginning had been set up in 2002 facing lots of resistance and mistrust.  "We had about 10 – 12 reports and now I am really happy that the reports are 82 from many university faculties and international participation".

The Rector of VUZF Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigorii Vazov – major and longstanding co-organizer of the Conference, shared that he had opened and prepared lots of forums but he had always felt most excited to participate in the opening of that Conference devoted to the young scientists. He reminded that its beginning had been set up in 2002 facing lots of resistance and mistrust.  "We had about 10 – 12 reports and now I am really happy that the reports are 82 from many university faculties and international participation".


Photo gallery from 16th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists Focuses on the Chal ...