Финансово-счетоводен факултет

UNWE-ICAEW Business Game

четвъртък, 03 май 2012 15:06 /
сряда, 09 май 2012 10:45
сряда, 09 май 2012 14:00
Зала 3008-УНСС

Test your business skills in the ultimate team challenge!

Join us to hear about the fantastic opportunities open to you as an ICAEW Chartered Accountant and then put this into practice with our team challenge.

As part of a team (of 5 or 8 members) you will act as business advisors to a fictitious client, evaluating a variety of business and investment opportunities.  Working against the clock, your team will then assess each opportunity from the information available, make some strategic decisions and present your advice to the client.

Special prizes for the winners, gifts and certificates for all!

Find out more from Hristo Mavrudiev, UNWE, Faculty of Finance & Accounting

Are you up for the challenge?

Date:              Wednesday 09 May 2012

Time:            10.45 – 14.00

Venue:          Room 3008, UNWE

To register, send an e-mail  to  Hristo Mavrudiev ([email protected])

(to register give your name, contact details, course and year of study)