Факултет "Управление и администрация"

5th conference on Governance in (post)transition: “Governance in unstable environment”

вторник, 01 декември 2015 17:34 /
четвъртък, 24 март 2016
петък, 25 март 2016
Faculty of Organisation Studies Novo mesto, Hotel Sport Otocec, Slovenia

The 2015 GPT conference addressed the instability of the environment, and since then, many things showed that this instability will reach much higher impact than initially expected. European Union developed many malfunctions, from decline of free movement of the people to further decline of the social fairness and quality of life. In this focus 2016 GPT conference invites papers dealing with different aspects of the instability of the human environment. Faculty of Organization studies in Novo mesto in this manner encourages presentation of welcomes papers covering following topics (papers with other scopes of interests are welcome as well): - contemporary shifts in modern company/organization management

The papers in this panel will be focused on changes in management within profit and non-profit organizations due to the changes of modern environment, from the global trends to individual solutions in order to increase the competitiveness. - refugees, migrants and "new" European labour market. Recent months the wave of refugees and migrants entered the Europe. No matter what is their legal status, despite it differs, they have certain capacity not only to weaken the state due to additional budgetary expenses but also to reshape the labour market. The paper givers in this panel will try explain the potential economic influence of new potential workers to the labour market in Europe.

- management of migrations in the European Union at different levels Wave of migrants and refugees revealed all the bad sides of the European Union, from inefficiency on the international level to nationalism, xenophobia and fear on the national level. The papers of this panel will explore how different levels of governance coped with the humanitarian crisis.

- socio-linguistics in ideological perspective Papers in this panel will address the question of reshaping of our reality by the discourse. Modern world uses different expressions to describe situations, and by doing so it co-creates that reality. Lack of questioning different words and their original meaning reduces awareness of changed reality behind them as well as new words re-shape the importance certain realities.

- Europe after the September 15th 2015 The refugee/migration wave of 2015 changed Europe in many perspectives and if there is one question which is relevant, it is not "What to do with so many new people with different cultural background?" it is more the question what the European Union will do with itself. Partial reintroduction of borders, building barbed wire fences, and similar acts of fear from unknown, show that the Europe needs some changes in its own development perspective, or maybe the dream of United States of Europe finally broke over the lack of its own identity, when faced differences bigger then the given level of tolerance.

- management of images (media-created and managed reality) Power of image over the word was "discovered" with appearance of the television. In the first stance it looked like, images and videos help us face the "real" reality. However, more developed the technology was, more lies were incorporated in the reality in order to support fashion ideals, real war, and as most recent case to manipulate with the refugee/migration crisis. Papers in this panel will deal with the question of responsibility of media and people to society by producing and disseminating the news which are less and less about reporting the reality and increasingly about shaping it.

- technology ruled world: Modern society is, due to development of different technologies, becoming technological society, which is not necessary also the information society. In any case the overflow of information is changing our daily life, sometimes for good and sometimes for bad. From easier communication to technology addiction, from increased state control to innovative health solutions the life is not the same, and this should be main concentration of the papers in this panel.

Conference also provides special Ph.D. students panel. Short abstract shall be send to [email protected] no later than by 15.12.2015. Authors will be notified about acceptance until 20.12. 2015. Full papers shall be submitted until 5.3.2015 for publication.

Language: English

Contact: Mrs. Mira Kastelic, Faculty of Organisation Studies in Novo mesto, Novi trg 5, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia, [email protected]