Факултет "Управление и администрация"

International Conference in Development and Economics I.CO.D.ECON.

вторник, 26 януари 2016 15:21 /
четвъртък, 09 юни 2016
неделя, 12 юни 2016
Thessaloniki, Greece
nternational Conference in Development and Economics I.CO.D.ECON. Thessaloniki- Greece
The 2nd International Conference in Development and Economics (I.CO.D.ECON.) is organized by the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Peloponnese, Democtritus University of Thrace, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Macedonia, University of National and World Economy of Sofia (Bulgaria), University Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi (Romania) and the University of Peloponnese. The conference will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece from 9 to 12 June 2016 and is addressed to the International Academic Community, as well as to doctoral students and post-graduate students (conference site http://www.icodecon.com/).
We warmly invite you to submit an abstract to the ICODECON. Oral and virtual contributions are both welcome on subjects within the scope of the conference (conference topics http://www.icodecon.com/call-for-papers )
During the conference, we can explore further co-operation possibilities and discuss proposals for EU funding, Horizon 2020, IP Erasmus etc, as single researchers and/or among our universities.
We would also like to bring to your attention that the Conference in under the Auspices of two Ministries of the Hellenic Republic and the Economic Chamber of Greece.
  • Deadline for abstracts text papers submission: 30th of March 2016
  • Deadline for minisymposia and sessions proposals: 30th of March 2016
  • Deadline for early registration: 20th of April 2016
  • ICODECON Conference: 09-12 June 2016
  • Deadline for full text papers submission: 30th of July, 2016
Apart from the book of abstracts with ISBN and the on-line publication of full papers on the conference site, further publication options are also available: (http://www.icodecon.com/international-journals)
selected scientific papers will be published in scientific journals, and we are also in agreement with the editor of the International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research (IJBESAR) for a special issue and with Cambridge scholars publishing ltd. (http://www.icodecon.com/distinctions) for the publication of a special volume with the conference papers/material.
Follow us on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/icodecon)
On behalf of The Conference Organizing Committee
Petropoulos P. Dimitrios, Assoc. Prof. TEI of Peloponnese - Greece
Vice President
Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Lecturer TEI of Western Macedonia - Greece