Organizing committee
Prof. Dr. Christina Lazarova Nikolova – Chairman of the Organizing Committee
Chief assistant Dr. Nikolinka Ignatova – Scientific Secretary of the Department "Economics of Trade"
Chief assistant Dr. Miroslav Stefanov, PhD – Scientific Secretary of the Department of "Logistics and Supply Chains"
Chief assistant Dr. Ivan Valchanov, PHD – Scientific Secretary of the "Media and Public Communications" Department
Chief.assistant Dr. Georgi Dimitrov – Scientific Secretary of the "Economics of Transport and Energy" Department
Chief. assistant Dr. Atanas Dimitrov – Scientific Secretary of the Department of "National and Regional Security"
Chief assistant Dr. Svetoslav Kaleichev – Scientific Secretary of the "Economics of Tourism" Department
Radostina Doichinova – Organizing Secretary of the conference, Head of Sector of the Faculty "Economics of Infrastructure”